The goal of defining preharmonic functions and producing a means of upgrading them to actual harmonics is to simplify the problem of finding solutions to on a manifold . Inside the space of preharmonic functions, the actual harmonics have infinite codimension, so we’ve in some sense taken care of an infinite number of degrees of freedom. Unfortunately this still leaves infinitely many more, as the preharmonics are also infinite codimension in the smooth functions on . The goal of this note is to illustrate one technique of finding preharmonic functions, by guessing a simple ansatz, and plug this into the preharmonic condition to get some equations to solve.
We illustrate this technique on the Euclidean plane, where we begin in cartesian coordinates to obscure the rotational symmetry. Our nice ansatze are that there is a preharmonic function that is additively separable (so ) or multiplicatively separable (so ). Using the preharmonic condition, we find explicit solutions of both of these forms, and use them to derive the fundamental solution of the Laplacian. This is of note because the fundamental solution itself is neither additively nor multiplicatively separable. Thus, this technique gives strictly more power to the ansatz-guesser than trying to work with the Laplacian directly.
The Setup
Recall the general theory. A function is preharmonic if and only if it has the same level sets as a true harmonic function. With some work this reduces to the following equation: is preharmonic if and only if
Then, if is preharmonic function, write for some . Then is harmonic, for below:
Euclidean Geometry
For this example we work in the Euclidean plane . We define coordinates by choosing a point and two orthogonal geodesics and through . We then define the following two functions :
The differentials are unit length as are distance functions. The level sets of these functions are equidistant curves to the vertical and horizontal geodesics, which themselves are orthogonal geodesics (since is flat). Thus, and putting these facts together yields
From this its straightforward to compute the Laplacians of . We do , the case is analogous.
These facts together with the chain rule for the Laplacian let us compute for a function :
(Of course, we already know this that in Cartesian coordinates but….)
Additively Separable
Here we propose to find a preharmonic function which is additively separable meaning there are two functions such that
The preharmonic condition on requires we compute and so we begin with those:
Then as from an orthonormal basis at each point,
And, using our formula for the laplacian chain rule,
The preharmonic condition on requires that
The easiest way to satisfy this equation would be for both sides to constantly equal zero. And, since we are looking for simple solutions, let’s impose that!
Computing the first equation:
For the second equation,
If these are both simultaneously equal to zero, we are looking for real valued functions which satisfy the following system of ODEs:
Its easiest to begin with the second equation. So long as are not constants (which leads to the trivially harmonic ) we know and are not constantly zero and so we must have , or
But since these are functions of different variables which are always equal, we recognize a favorite trick - each side must individually be constant! Thus, there is some such that
Integrating each we get
Since both of these are quadratic, their third derivatives are identically zero and the first equation in the system is automatically satisfied. Thus for any constants the following is preharmonic
This is the sum of a function with a function which is harmonic on all of . Since we are in search of fundamental solutions, (which are undefined at the origin) we can ignore this ‘trivial’ harmonic piece, and normalizing to , we’ve found a nontrivial preharmonic function
We now use the general theory to upgrade this to a harmonic function on . Computing,
and so defining we have . Computing the rescaling via integrating factor,
Thus, is harmonic on :
From here its just a simple rescaling to the fundamental solution!
Multiplicatively Separable
Now we propose to find a preharmonic function which is multiplicatively separable meaning there are two functions such that
The preharmonic condition on requires we compute and so we begin with those:
Then as from an orthonormal basis at each point,
And, using our formula for the laplacian chain rule,
Again, the preharmonic condition on requires that
Same as above; the easiest way to satisfy this equation would be for both sides to constantly equal zero. And, since we are looking for simple solutions, let’s impose that!
Expanding the first
and wedging with ,
Repeating with the second equation,
Together these result in the following system of equations:
Every solution to this system is a multiplicatively separable preharmonic (though this may not cover all such functions - we are looking at a special case to simplify things after all). As in the additive case, the second equation provides us with the easiest line of attack: factoring out a copy of and noting these are zero only in the trivial case where is constant,
Multiplying through we collect terms with on one side and on the other:
Dividing through gives a separation of variables: thus each side must eaqual the same constant
Every term has a product of two copies of or (and their derivatives). This suggests proposing an ansatz where is a multiple of , say for some function . This implies
Plugging this in,
Thus and so is affine. Looking at the linear case for simplicity, we have
Finally, we need to see that this solution also satisfies the first equation:
So it does, and we have our separable function
We can see directly from here that has the same level sets as what we found, and so this is also a preharmonic function. We could then proceed exactly as in the additive case to upgrade this.