Hello there!

I'm Steve Trettel, a mathematician who is also interested in computers, physics, and language.

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I'm currently an assistant professor at the University of San Francisco. This is both my personal and academic website, so you’ll find math I like explaining, updates on my computer graphics hobby, physics I'm learning, and some favorite meals, among other things.


All Art


Gradient Descent Comparision
Gradient Descent Domain
Elliptic Stripes X15
Elliptic Surface X15
Genus2 Algebraic
Woodcut Waves
Woodcut Ripples
Woodcut Gaussian Side
Woodcut Gaussian
Woodcut Eggcarton

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Linking Number:
Gauss' linking number of closed curves and algebraic topology.

Winding Number:
Understanding the Algebraic Topology underlying the winding number of a closed curve in the plane.

Hyperbolic Springs:
Deriving the ODE for a spring which is pushed in hyperbolic geometry (it oscillates!)

Convolution and Differentiation of Distributions:
If F is a distribution and g is a function, why is (DF)*g equal to F*Dg?

Topologizing The Space Of Distributions:
Why do we need to require convergence of the derivatives when defining a topology on the set of distributions?

Deep Time:
Some thoughts on the importance of appreciating the immensity of earth's history.

Life in Hyperbolic Space:
The dangers of life in a negatively curved space

Saying goodbye to my favorite space craft, on the eve of its entry into Saturn's atmosphere.

Cubics and Braids:
The bridge between the 3-strand braid group and the trefoil knot complement

An old note, from my early graduate school days, explaining the hopf fibration.

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